Thursday, April 10, 2014

Adoree's birthday month!!!

So many things for little Adoree (and let's be honest, Tc and I) to look forward to!!! It's adoree's birthday month and she has so many activities coming up!

There's our Seattle trip to visit her aunt and uncle, Easter egg dying and hunting, her birthday, and Sesame Street live!! 
She has been chitter chattering so much about having a birthday party and having her friends come over! And she made sure to mention that she would have birthday hats! These 3 years old toddlers to be know what they want!!! It's so fascinating to watch her grow! Everything she does I'm always making sure Tc sees. "Look at her, look at our baby!!!" As I increasingly get louder when he continues to stare at his phone.

Recently she's been very into being a caretaker to her dolls. Playing doctor. I'm sure a lot of this she's learned from going to me Ob appointments ^^. A random object was used as an ultrasound device for her to check her dolls tummy as she said "can you see? You see the baby?" Ahh, she cracks me up!

On our way to the ob April 2nd.

Burning her mouth on some "deadly hot sauce" bottle she grabbed from the fridge. We gave her ice cubes, milk, and lots of ice cream...and hugs to get rid of the hotness!!!

Having lots of arts and craft days makes Adoree super happy. 

She always wants to wear dresses.

Snap chats!!!

Gotta love pics with daddy and his ever growing goatee and stache ^^ I love these two.

Here's me today!!! 24 weeks!! Going fast..and GROWING fast! Yes my belly button popped out. It did a while ago actually. Everything is going at a faster pace the second time around!!

Here's my bump 1 vs. bump 2!
I wonder if bump one will ever catch up.

On a totally different note, I did my hair yesterday! I've been wanting to get my hair dyed ombré for a while but wanted to wait till my hair got longer. And well it's sort of longer now so Tc thought whynot take advantage of the Asian hair salons in Seattle while we are there to get it dyed! But of course it'd cost more. So I started googling for DIY tutorials. And I found one I really liked!! But it's quite a process. Gah. And it probably won't turn out until a week or so after I've finished dying to get all the toning done. But for less than $30, whynot. I went out and bought two dying kits, some red gold corrector and a blonde shampoo thing to keep my hair not brassy. 

Here's my pics during the process.

I snapchatted a couple of friends and family ^^

Yes I'm in a garbage bag.

After first dye kit and before toning. Bottom of hair compared to top.

And final result. Well as of yesterday. We'll see if the brassiness will get more toned as I use the shampoo. 

Okie, that's it for today! We were suppose to do Easter eggs yesterday after I did a vinegar run! But it was so nice out that Adoree decided to play outside and it wasn't until dark that she wanted to do eggs. But by then it's too late so if she wakes up early today we will dye some eggs!!! You'll be seeing some pics of that on here next time! 

Toodles!! Darn autocorrect. :)


  1. yay for more blogging and updates on lil A!

    1. Haha I need to get better at updating!!! I feel as if there's so much to do, and then I don't end up doing any if it lol!

  2. Happy to see you blogging again, Jen! :D

    1. Thanks Steph!!! It feels good to get back into it!! Now if I can maintain haha!!
