Monday, June 30, 2014

Sleep. Stretching baby. And nearing 36 weeks!

We are nearing 36 weeks!! Eeks!

The past week has consisted of me sleeping...and sleeping. No matter how much sleep I get, I can still take a long nap. I guess my body just knows that it won't be too long before we will be lacking sleep!

I can still remember after bringing Adoree home from the hospital, those few days were the most exhausting and how much we wanted to sleep. So I shall not feel guilty now and just sleep as much as I can hahah :) Adoree hasn't seemed to mind sleeping in with me ^^.

Hmm...changes recently? Baby Cao #2 likes to stretch. A lot! Adoree kicked a lot but this one is just constantly stretching. Her foot, knees, or butt just sticks out everywhere! It's gets pretty uncomfortable especially since she wakes up during my sleeping time. So I have to rock back and forth in bed to try and get her to fall asleep or calm down. 

Last doc appointment went well at 35 weeks. Measuring good and no dilation yet. Not surprised, I wasn't even dilated on my due date. I have one more two week check up and then it'll be every week from 37 weeks out! This is crazy!!! We will be meeting baby cao #2 soon! So excited! Adoree is too, she actually brought her doll to me the other day and told me her baby came out of her tummy. Hahaa, oh our little girl!! 

I've started reading about labor signs and labor stages again...and I'm getting just a little nervous! Hours and hours of contractions! I didn't want an epidural with Adoree and managed to pull through without any so hopefully it'll be the same this round. Ahhhh I don't know how I got through it the first time. Squeezing Tc's hand with every contraction. I think those are the hardest. It just seemed like they were never ending! Pushing was hard and hurts like none other but it just feels so good to finally be able to push and know that the baby is almost out!!

I am looking forward to the complimentary kitchen pantry mercy offers haha! Even though I won't be able to eat any of it before the baby is here. :) But Tc and my guests can eat whatever they'd like. 

Oh my, the baby stages! Looking forward to the poopy diapers and engorged boobs haha ^^ This time Adoree will be around to keep baby company and help us with stinky diapers and spit up onsies! She's pretty smart though, she'll tell you if she doesn't want to do something or make up some kind of excuse to avoid the situation like "but I'm busy." 

Lounging around at home, don't mind the pjs and shorts that no longer look like shorts because my big belly is hanging over it. 

Ah I love these two. Adoree loves playing with daddy. Soon there will be a stroller with baby sister in the pics ^_^

Again, only a month of just us...

And we'll have two sleeping like daddy!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Scattered mind of a prego

My thoughts have started to gravitate in directions everywhere. One moment thinking about what I need to do next and then forgetting within the next second. Then I start thinking about having to leave Adoree while we are at the hospital giving birth! :( It makes me sad thinking I have to spend a couple nights without her and if she will behave for ba noi and ong noi (grandma and grandpa) overnight. She has been sleeping in her crib throughout the night with me laying on my bed right next to her crib pulled up. I wait till she falls asleep before I turn away. She has a habit of having me face her for her to fall asleep. If I turn the opposite direction of her she will throw a fit. And she has to have skin contact whether it be her touching my face, me scratching her back, her holding my get the idea. Wonder how this is going to be when new baby gets here! @_@!!

That reminds me I need to send in my labor admittance form. I've filled out my birthing communications sheets. It's pretty similar to my first one. No episiotomy, no epidural, want to breastfeed and hold baby right away, want baby in room with us as much as possible, want daddy to cut umbilical cord. Of course every pregnancy is different and this sheet only allows me to communicate what I want if everything goes smoothly!! I hope this labor goes faster than the first!! 

Can't believe we have less than two months left before baby cao #2 arrives! Need to pick out a name!!! Tc has one in mind and we may just go for it. I've been looking but haven't found any that I'm extra thrilled about yet. Will keep looking.

My left rib hurts occasionally and I feel like baby doesn't have enough room to move inside this buldging belly. Adoree was quite active in the womb but this one is even more so. 

Docs have scheduled extra ultrasounds to make sure baby is measuring good since they can't tell from measuring my belly. And she is! Last time we checked she was 3lbs 10ounces. And we got to see a 3d ultrasound of her!! Amazing! She looks like Adoree :)

Here's me in my work clothes taking my weekly baby bump pic! Notice my belly button sunk back in a bit. She must've not been up against it like she usually is.
I think I've gained about 16lbs so far. I gained a total of 25lbs with Adoree at due date. So maybe I'll be around the vicinity? 

We are, or at least I am super excited to meet precious baby cao #2!! Hehe, Tc might be getting nervous and dreading the lack of sleep he will be getting on top of the lack of sleep he already gets. Even so, he is going to be such a supportive loving husband and daddy!! Instead of us taking turns tackling down Adoree's stuff to do, we are soon going to be one on one with each child!!! Life is about to change. 

Instead of just Adoree and I selfies, there will be baby cao#2 to add! Maybe daddy will want to join in on more of these. ^^

Over last weekend uncle Frankie and Uncle Jim was in town!! Adoree had some bonding time with them and she loved their company!! She was all wired and hopping around the room screeching and yapping!! She was sad when they had to go back home, but I made sure to let her know she will see them again! And we sure will this coming Sunday!
We will also get to visit Vic, Renee and George!! Adoree has a busy weekend and week ahead! Next week Uncle Tony, Aunt Lili and Aiden will be in town!!! So much to look forward to!

I'm taking Adoree to a sibling class this Saturday morning while daddy works. It's to help young kids adjust to having a sibling and to kind of show them what to expect? Haha, I think it'll be educational and she'll have some fun for sure. 

I feel like I have so much more to say but this post is getting long and I should be asleep so I'll leave it at this. Until next time!!!

Our little girl making sure my bonsai is watered.